Monday, March 23, 2009


Back to school this morning which means that this is where Will has his naps... his car seat!  This actually gives me a lot of angst, particularly on the days when I have to WAKE him up to pick Sam up at 11:15am and then again at 2:55pm when I get Clara.

After 2 weeks off, the kids surprisingly adapted well to the morning routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast, making Clara's lunch, taking Kirby out for a pee and getting out the door by 8:35am.  And I hardly yelled.  I think we are all encouraged that in only 6 more sleeps we will be in Kona, Hawaii for 20 days!

We accomplished most things on our list of 16 things to do, which is impressive considering the 2 boys had a bout of the flu last week.   The weather was poopy so we never made it to the beach, and I'm terrified of heavy populated places like Science World during Spring Break, so I avoided that place.  

My Dad and Josh even took the kids for a seabus ride after pancakes at Tomahawk (#1 on Sam's list).

Oh, and I guess Will never learned to sleep at night, but I still think he is the "baby of the world." A name the kids and I lovingly refer to him as, and which came from this really funny book.  Still one of Clara's favs:

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