Tuesday, January 27, 2009


In the last couple of months I have discovered blogging and etsy.  Both, very time consuming but also so inspiring.  There are so many talented and interesting people "out there." Sometimes reading these very talented people's blogs and looking at their creations makes me sweaty and anxious....like when I read a Martha Stewart magazine.  But then, I remind myself to focus on one, maybe two things, and be great at them and to just buy the other stuff from other people.

So that is what I did.  My online shopping usually consists of me creating a shopping bag or cart and adding items to it, but never actually ordering anything.  But, I did finally order my first etsy item, from the very talented and sweet Sarah Jane.  It is a print for Clara's room.  You can see it in her very girly room in the top photo.  We went a bit crazy with the glue gun and stuck some pink flowers on a frame.

Here is the print up close:

I bought this one too, for Sam's room:

And I would like to buy this one for Will's room:And this one is waiting for me in my cart:

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