Monday, January 26, 2009


Since one of my resolutions for 2009 is to be more grateful, I thought that every Monday I should write about something I'm thankful for.  So, today I'm feeling thankful for living 41 steps from my Mom and Dad's house.  

In November 2007, we moved (me, 38 weeks pregnant) for the 6th time since getting married, to a home 2 doors down from my parents.  Besides the obvious fact that the kids and I get to have unlimited visits in the day with people we like and love, there are also other perks. Like, a latte made for me in the morning, company when I take the dog for a walk, someone to let me know when we have left the garage door open or that it is garbage pick up in the morning, warm cookies and bran muffins brought to the door (just eating one now), a convenient walk home from Sunday dinner (even more convenient if we had wine with dinner), someone to let the carpet cleaner in if I'm out, to take down my outdoor Christmas lights if I haven't got to it yet and to water my neglected plants. 

It is also a place I go to borrow a vacuum (ours broke a year ago), to print things on my mom's really great colour printer, to choose a movie from the DVD library, to read the newspaper or People magazine, to join in on Chinese take out, to borrow a thermometer and ask for advice when someone has a fever, to leave Will if he is napping and I have to pick up one of the other kids at school, or to simply say hello, have a hug, sometimes cry or share some news.

My parent's home is also affectionately known as "Save-On-Smith" (Smith is their last really, it is). This is not to be confused with "Save-On-Foods", the grocery store, although they do have similarities.  Both are a place to get groceries and household supplies for a low (or even free) price. Admittedly, their kitchen has been raided in the early weekend hours for milk, eggs and maple syrup.  And a week rarely goes by when I don't send one of the kids over with a note looking for supplies such as butter, vegetable stock, C batteries, light bulbs, onions and oregano...even wine.

So, thank you Mom and Dad for putting up with us and all our noise and mess and muddy shoes.  I'm sure the neighbourhood was really peaceful before we arrived.  And about that really fancy latte maker you gave us for Christmas this year...I know it was because you are generous and love us and you weren't trying to discourage our morning coffee visits...right?
Mom, Dad, sis and Uncle Josh at Christmas...our neighbours...well, except for sis

I can't upload (or is it download?) any new images because my hard drive is FULL.  I need to delete some things, I guess.  I'm not so good at the computer, or anything technical for that matter.  I think this frustrates my husband.  He calls me a luddite.  I just looked it means this.  So this is why I'm posting pictures from Christmas.  My sister doesn't normally wear Santa hats and it is actually sunny in Vancouver today, although our neighbourhood weatherman, Uncle Josh, tells me snow tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

you are so lovely, Becks...
This is such a nice blog (I had a wee tear!)and I am inspired by your daily writings. Love, ME

Cheryl said...

Thank you Becky ... this was a "feel good" kinda post. I don't know what we'd do if weren't living just 41 steps away. Love...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Becky. You said it so well. I am touched. Apparently so are your mom's cupboards. To be able to do something nice for our children is good on a parent's part too, but to be appreciated and thanked is a blessing. I do know that it comes naturally in your family...."just because..." {{hugs}}
A. Shannon