Wednesday, April 15, 2009


4 more sleeps until we fly home.  

I'm already preparing the kids that they will be going back to school.  I have been reminding them (and myself) that there are also lots of fun things to look forward to at home, and things we would miss if we stayed in Hawaii forever.  Like Kirby and bike rides and toys and friends and Clara's birthday party and Pasley, to name a few.  Clara told me she only likes ham sandwiches in Vancouver, so there is that as well.

Sis and Rocco made it home safely.  I miss them and my morning vanilla latte delivered to my bedside.

But our friends Geoff and Sara play things for the kids, or what we refer to as "fresh meat."

Will has bonded with Sara nicely.

Clara lounging at the Seaside "Luxe" Boutique.  A store where one looks, but does not buy.

Geoff and Sara babysat last night and took the kids down to the beach for some smoore making.  The mommy and daddy REALLY appreciate these times with each other sans children. We went on a hot date to the lava lounge for some fancy and expensive drinks and for some sushi.

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