Tuesday, February 10, 2009


ABOVE:  a plate of Valentines cookies from the Martha Stewart website.  Don't they look....well...um, perfect.  I try, but my cookies never look like this.  But I suppose she doesn't make cookies with a 1, 2, 4 and 5 year old, 15 minutes before their bedtime. 

BELOW: our Valentines cookies, green icing and all.  The recipe should of yielded more cookies, but almost half the dough was eaten before we even baked them.

And here is Will, splattered in green food colouring and on the counter, of course.  Now this is real life people...

This is the cookbook I used for our butter cookie recipe.  Every recipe uses only 3 ingredients. Isn't that awesome?  And I love the illustrations too. No need to buy buttermilk or try to find "petal dust in pink, orange and violet tones" (which you would need if you were making the Martha cookies).  You just need butter, icing sugar and flour.  

I was skeptical at first about the whole 3 ingredients thing, but we have made a handful of recipes and they have all been tasty.  In fact, it should be renamed "Parents Cook 1-2-3."  I may start using this cookbook more frequently for our family dinners.  

Now go and make some cookies.


Anonymous said...

GUFFAWWWWWWWWW.... and the green icing was .. let me guess!! .. Sam's idea? ROTFL ...

Anonymous said...

Love this post!!! Where was it when my littles were 1, 2 1/2, and 4? BTW, your cookies looked perfectly good!

Andrea said...

I think your cookies looked better than Martha's! Much more creative and "real".
BTW, I am totally buying this book. I am at Chapters right now and am going to look for it!

Jules said...

Okay... so where's the recipe???? I gotta make cookies, but I don;t have a recipe. How is that possible???? I will go buy the cookbook tonight, but I think I will probably make them sans children... safer all around...LOL