Wednesday, December 3, 2008


There's my mom and Will, putting up our lights while I take pictures.  I emailed her at 4:00pm asking for some light help and she came right over (she lives next door).  She is the queen of Christmas lights (lots of experience).  

Sam and Clara have spotted us and come running outside.  Notice that Sam immediately goes to the ladder and starts his climb to the top. 

Clara is commenting on the pretty sky.  It's kind of pink.  Sam is still on the ladder.  YaYa is not impressed (she doesn't like heights, particularly kids on high things).

Then Will started to cry because he was hungry, possibly?  Or cold?  I nursed him on the front doorstep but then Kirby spotted someone walk by with her dog and goes in for the bark attack.  So, Will is crying, Kirby is barking, Sam is at the top of the ladder, Clara is watching the sunset and YaYa put up our lights.  So was our evening.

Then we went inside and watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and I finished off the bag of Purdy's chocolate bells.  The End.

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