Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Will fell off Sam's green jeep.

Sam turned the wheel left, Will went right...on to the driveway and on to his head.

Lately, I have been questioning my parenting choices.  Maybe I really am a danger mommy?

When I became pregnant with Clara, Jake and I agreed that we would try not to be such nervous Nellie parents, but we would be more laid back, or what we like to call "hey sure" parents.  And then I read "Kid's are Worth it!" by Barbara Coloroso and my own motto quickly became "if it is not life threatening, morally threatening or unhealthy, than why not?".

Sure enough, you might find our kids licking a slug, barefoot in a mud muddle in the winter, splashing in a fountain, climbing up some rocks, sliding down those rocks, wearing their pajamas or fairy wings in the middle of the day, doing flying leaps off our couch, tightrope walking on the bathtub ledge, tasting wasabi, and what I like to think of as experiencing life.  

My mom can only stand small doses of the kids "experiencing life" before announcing her "heart can't take any more" and "she is out of here."

There was a report of an "unattended baby" (Will sleeping in the stroller in the shade not far from me) while we were in Hawaii.  The security guard and I had a chuckle, but still...

More recently, there were some glares and words spoken to me at a water feature beside Wholefoods.  I'm sensitive and I care what people think of me.

Maybe I do need to keep them just a little closer and say no just a little bit more...


Lori Seeney said...

It makes me sad that you think you should maybe change. I honestly admire your attitude and motto. It is hard not to worry about what others think but only you know what is best for your kids. They seem like the happiest children I have ever seen.

Andrea said...

Becks, this post made me laugh out loud and then feel sad all at the same time. You have three beautiful, healthy, INTACT, happy, loving, smart and adventurous children. You and Jake are clearly doing something right so what others think of you really only matters if you let it (those of us that know you and love you, don't give a rip that Sam is up a tree, Will is slurping water out of Kirby's dish or Clara is wearing only a t-shirt in January...). It's all good.
: )

Me xox