Friday, March 19, 2010


I am thankful for my neighbours who were nice enough to plant the most amazing cherry blossom tree. The blossoms must be a sign that Spring is close, and then it will be Summer my most favourite season of all.

This is my view out the window where I sit at my computer:

I made Clara stand beneath the branches for a few pictures. Cherry blossoms don't stick around for very long, but I suppose that is what makes them so special.

Sam wanted a cherry blossom picture too, so he climbed the tree (in his jammies and bike helmet).

And while I'm on the topic of Spring, I took the boys (and Charline) to the beach this week after peering out my window in the morning and discovering sun and blue sky. I wore a t-shirt and my gold flip flops and froze my butt off. Don't be fooled by Sam's bare feet. If you recall, my children never wear shoes.

Will wasn't feeling too hot, and just chilled with some teddy grahams.

Sam and Charline found 30 crabs.

It was a good morning.


PIper said...

Gorgeous photos! Cherry Blossoms are so beautiful...
I also can't wait for beach days again!

Janine said...

Lovely!!! sigh...those Cherry Blossom shots ♥

~beautyandjoy~ said...

So, so, so pretty...