Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I realized I never posted part 2 and 3 of our long weekend adventures at camp Pasley.

Which brings me back to Sunday morning in May, which also happened to be Bridget's 4th birthday.

The girls did some birthday window decorating.

And here is the birthday girl who rang the gong bell 37 too many times.

Inside the boys played some backgammon.

while being watched by cute boy...

while Jake turned red from shaking his margs...

while Lauri had some moments with her book...

while Will emptied out all the baskets of toys onto the deck...

while the girls twirled and whirled around with their new birthday masks...

and Annie made us some delicious birthday nachos...

and Cooper admired his new squirter and lollipop...

and Cooper's mommy had an afternoon nap on the couch...

Until it was time for birthday cake!

There was lots of bad singing...

and birthday kisses...

and beautiful views...

And then we realized we still hadn't raised the flag. So there was some more bad singing...

And lots of laughing...

And then Sophie started to wonder about her strange friend, Clara...

And then we took it to the beach for some warmth and chocolate by the burn pile fire...

We did some more things, but I think there is probably too many photos in this one post! Maybe a part 4?

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