Monday, June 14, 2010


After months of waiting and a 2 week long corespondance with the TF (tooth fairy), Clara finally lost her first tooth tonight while we were reading Magic Ponies in bed together.

It is very exciting. And kind of sad for the mommy. Her lost tooth looks so tiny in my hand, just like I think she should be. And her adult tooth which will grow into it's place will be so big like she actually is. Does that make sense?

Some snippets from some of her notes she has been leaving for the tooth fairy these past weeks:
  • Dear tooth fairy. I have a surprise for you. I have a wiggery tooth and I hope you come and give me something.
  • Dear TF. I loved what you gave me (a loonie and a letter) and now its time for me to give you something (a homemade necklace with a paper tooth locket). And its kind of a misterwy to whose paper this is (the tooth fairy left the note paper, a pen and bottle of glitter on the kitchen counter...bad tooth fairy). PS please give something to my brother. Love Clara. Do you know Ruby? (Clara's friend who told Clara she saw the tooth fairy at school)
  • Dear TF. You are a true friend. Do you like mermaids or fairies the best of all?
  • Dear tooth fairy. This is something you will like the best of all my notes. Here is a hint (picture of a tooth)

1 comment:

~beautyandjoy~ said...

Oh so sweet! When my girl lost her first I was so sentimental. Those notes and that photo are so precious!