Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Back to Pasley with family for the Thanksgiving weekend.  The Drake Balmers opened at noon on Saturday for drinks at the beach.  

Besides and eating and drinking, there was a lot of UNO playing, as well as Fairy Snap, Go Maid, Chicken Out and Candyland.

The sun shone and the air was fresh and crisp.  We even have our turkey dinner outside on the deck.  

Here is Jake basting the turkey on the BBQ,

And lighting the candles for dinner.

We held hands and took turns saying what we were thankful for.  Sam said he was thankful for "turkey underpants" which he thought was hysterical. 

Will was very attached to this goose all weekend.

And I hardly saw Clara, who was at Grandma's cabin having sleepovers and rubs and treats.  She wore her pajamas all weekend and had this bed hair...

Thank you everyone for an amazing weekend!  And thank you Wholefoods for the delicious pre-made vegetables that we simply warmed up in the oven.  I am grateful.

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