Thursday, September 10, 2009


Today was Clara's 7th day at school.  It seems to be going well.  Although this morning she crawled into bed with us at 6:00am and forced out some coughs and blew her nose with lots of dramatics.  This is code for I'm not feeling well enough for school and I would like to stay home please.  

However, after a cuddle and some mini wheats downstairs, she was ready to start the day.  I have mostly heard about her friends.  She has 4 new best friends now.  One of them is from Vagina, Saskatchewan, one laughs lots but her mom just had a baby and she can't go to her house for a play date...ever, one is really funny but she almost lost her today at lunch (?) and the 4th friend's name starts with the letter J or G. 

In my desperation to at least see what is going on in her classroom, the boys and I climb up the play structure outside and spy through the window after we drop her off.  The teacher hasn't busted me yet, but Clara blows me lots of kisses, which I return, then we put each other's kisses into our pockets.

My view from the top of the slide (Clara's classroom is at the bottom)

Sam also had his first day yesterday, and by all accounts, he loves it.  He is particularly smitten with the 2 bunnies, Cornelius and Nibbles, with whom he gets to play hide and seek with in the classroom.  Apparently they don't like to eat onions or pickles either.  

Thankfully his teacher writes a summary of each day on a whiteboard outside his class, otherwise I'm sure I would have no clue what is happening in there.

Here he is, first day of preschool, heading out the door for our walk down the hill

Will spots his lunch kit (he is obsessed) and comes in for the grab

Sam grabbed it back and crying and screaming ensued  Note to self: must get lunch kit for Will tomorrow


andrea said...

Love the last one of Sam and the stealthy cute! Can't wait for a date next week. xo

Lisa said...

Cute Becky!

Tell Clara Mark is living close to "vagina" saskatchewan! haha

Also, if I were Clara's teacher and saw you spying I wouldn't be creeped out,,, but that's just me :)