Sunday, September 27, 2009

I find September kind of confusing.  

I start preparing myself mid-August for the summer's end...for school, rushed mornings, crisp air, pears, mums, homemade soup, fallen leaves and evenings by a fire.  But then the warm sun decides to stay and by the time I walk back up the hill from Clara's school in the morning, the temperature spikes, I'm sweating and I'm wondering why I put on jeans, my hoodie and some fuzzy boots.  I really have no idea what to wear anymore?  Breezy summer dresses don't seem quite right this late in the month.  

But Fall will arrive eventually.  For now, we took advantage of the delicious sunny weather and went back to Pasley with the Bakers this weekend.

The kids even had popsicles at 10:45am

Will having a nap in the sleeping cabin.  I, myself had a 10 minute nap curled up beside him

And here he is, not happy at all about me waking him up (it was 4:30pm)

The view from my seat at 7:00pm (Ben with a marshmallow stick, Sam and Will fighting over a toy, Adelaide about to do a leap off the chair, Katie reading to Clara, husbands in kitchen doing dishes and drinking wine)

We will be back up to the cabin for Thanksgiving in October when it will definitely feel like Fall and I will be wearing my fuzzy boots.

For now, I will happily keep my flip flops by the door.

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