Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I signed up Sam for T Ball for a few reasons:
  1. So he can run around outside (he is less annoying at home if he has a good run...kind of like a dog)
  2. So he can learn that not all sports with a ball is called basketball
  3. So he can see that sometimes you need to work together as a TEAM to win
  4. So he can realize that he won't always be the fastest, the best or the winner...and that it is OK
I, however, did not realize that there are 2 T Ball practices and 1 game each week, never mind the 9:00am on Saturday morning team pictures and T Ball parade.

But nor did I realize how completely entertaining it is to watch a bunch of 5 year olds "play" a game of T Ball. It is truly a sight to see.

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