Friday, November 6, 2009


  • 5...number of times I warmed up my coffee in the microwave this morning (and still never drank it)
  • 4...number of times Jake has said "your hair is very short" (just got it cut last night)
  • 7...number of times Sam asked me what the last number is (I told him infinity which was all the more confusing)
  • 6...number of times I swept up some sort of mess Will created on the floor
  • 4...number of times Clara has asked for some milk
  • 1...number of times Kirby got a loaf of bread off the counter and then ate it (had to sweep up that mess too)
  • 32...number of times Sam  yelled out "what button do I press!" or "can you help me!" with his online maze game (he is relentless)
  • 5...number of times I had to go to Clara's room at bedtime and cater to a request 
I took a photo break today.  Apparently Sam is done with the camera.  This is him yesterday telling me as much...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh my!!!! You could be right...great capture though!!