Anyway, I heard through Jake, who was told by Geoff, that Sara was selling parts of her extensive wardrobe and might do a private shopping evening for me. Obviously, I emailed her right away. In my opinion, Sara has the best clothes and style of anyone I know. I turn to her for fashion advice and to find out what the latest trends are. I don't think the contents of my closet are that bad, but I do have a tendency to keep everything (including my maternity jeans), and wait for something to come back into style and I also pretty much wear the same thing each day: jeans, long tee and comfy shoes.
Here are a few pictures from our evening. I didn't post the ones of Sam's bare butt. It was fun and chaotic, as usual. Geoff took Sam and Clara for a Happy Meal and a dessert of their choice at Meinhardts and then the kids played with the bidet (what else is a bidet for?) and washed up in the gigantic bath with the stairs while I tried to quickly try on some outfits.
So excited we finally made the blog. Safe travels.
Sara said to say "she loves you and your kids."
That is all I have to write. ; )
Me xo
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